A Conejo Public Art Project

A Conejo Public Art Project

“Conejo Cottontails” is the superb and first city-wide Conejo Public Art project of its kind. Featuring 5’6” fiberglass sculptures designed by Cate Hartenstein, painted and mosaic-tiled by local artists, all 20 of these delightful masterpieces have been purchased and placed by local businesses, organizations, and individuals. 

The Conejo Cottontails is a joint venture of Art Trek, Inc. and the Arts Council of the Conejo Valley. Funds from these whimsical sculptures provided honorariums for the artists, and currently support art experiences for high risk and poorly funded youth and senior programs throughout the community.

As you drive, walk, or bike through Thousand Oaks you will inevitably pass several Conejo Cottontails! See our map of locations. You can have fun with your friends and family by tracking them down, photographing yourselves, and sending the photos and a little description to us for our website at info@conejopublicart.org . With your permission we’ll be using some of these photos for promotion, encouraging others to do the same. Public Art is free! Enjoy! 

Examples of Public Art Projects around the Country


Proceeds from the Conejo Public Art project support the following organizations: